Okanagan Settlement Centre
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Our new Blog is here…Bev’s Blog >>
Collaborative Process
The Collaborative process is a settlement approach for resolving disputes without Court. The client retains a lawyer who has extensive settlement and interest based training. Spouses who use the Collaborative process work jointly and cooperatively with their spouse and the other Collaboratively trained lawyer to work towards a long term durable Agreement. They are in charge of their negotiations and have considerable input into the way in which their dispute will be resolved.More info >>
General Interest Based Negotiations
When a dispute arises, there are 2 main methods to resolve the dispute; Agreement or Court. Agreement involves finding areas in common and working together to find a mutually acceptable resolution for a long term durable Agreement. Court involves advocating one side and discrediting the other side. It can tend to intensify the conflict and further separate the parties making for a lessened ability to work together in the future.More info >>
Parenting Coordination
Parenting Coordination is a child focused process to resolve family disputes involving children. It gives parents quick and easy access to a specially trained and neutral decision maker who can resolve day to day disputes about parenting issues. The aim is to work with the parents to assist parents to reduce conflict between them and further or any Court appearances.More info >>
Hear The Child
Children are given the opportunity to provide input into decisions that affect them by speaking with a specially trained and neutral third party. This can assist in reducing the conflict between parents and in making better and more informed decisions for the child.More info >>
Get In Touch
If someone you know or love is going through a separation or divorce, I look forward to assisting in making this difficult time be as smooth and seamless as possible. It is possible!
Please contact Bev today at
250-763-7333 or 250-769-7787